Developer Documentation

This chapter discusses the design philosophy behind the software architecture of SPMS. To get up and running in your own development environment, consult the README.

Polymorphic inheritance

Projects and documents are implemented using django-polymorphic data model inheritance. This allows us to easily extend a base model with all the common fields, but more importantly, it allows us to reduce duplication of shared business logic.

Problems arise when combining with other packages, e.g. django-fsm transitions can be inherited, but the user permissions need to match the exact data model.

Finite State Machine

Product life cycle management for projects and documents is implemented with django-fsm, which contributes a set transition graph, gate checks, pre and post transition signals, and user level permissions (to be used with caution on polymorphic models).


The business logic of finding and linking audiences to actions is kept in the transition permissions, which are lambda functions calling the instance’s “submitter”, “reviewer” and “approver” functions, which “know” the correct audiences. This keeps the business logic inside the document and project models.

  • Everyone is allowed to “view”
  • Project teams are allowed to “change” project and document details
  • Project teams are allowed to “submit” documents for review, retract them, and request project closure.
  • All SCMT members (program leaders) are allowed to “review” documents
  • All Directorate representatives are allowed to “approve” things and fast-track projects through their life cycles to re-align SPMS with reality.

Notably, there are no customisations to Django permissions in place. Django-fsm accepts either hard-coded permission strings, or lambda functions.

Hard-coded permission strings are referred from django_fsm’s has_perm to django.contrib.auth.models.PermissionMixin’s has_perm, which requires properly named “app.permission_model” permissions. The “model” part is hard-coded, and will not be correct if the transition is inherited to a polymorphic child model. This will prevent permission strings to be used.

Lambda functions however can accept arguments, such as model functions declared as properties. Properties can be inherited, and overwritten in child models where necessary. This means that lambda functions used in transition permissions can be inherited without problems. An added benefit is the somewhat cleaner design of keeping the definition and source of permissions together with the transitions with the model.

Finding the right audience for notifications and write permissions

To restrict editing of documents to the correct audience, pythia.documents.admin.DocumentAdmin.get_readonly_fields refers to Document.get_users_with_change_permissions(), which in turn returns the audience corresponding to its status.

The current implementation permits the respectively involved users and their line management to edit documents.

This keeps the business logic with the field status it depends on at the model. The previous implementation to use post-save signals setting (custom) document permissions, and letting views determine read-only fields from these permissions, was more indirect, extremely error-prone and hard to understand.

Django Admin

Building the UI from the Django admin saves some development time, as Django admin already provides CRUD views. However, it takes away the “plain old admin backdoor”, takes away human-readable URLs, requires some advanced workarounds and overrides, and inflicts another layer of complexity.

In retrospect, using Django’s admin interface as front-end will work beautifully for simple CRUD applications, but cause far more trouble than time savings when trying to design, maintain, and evolve a highly complex application with ever-changing requirements to the UI and workflows.


Planned, needed, coming up.

Continuous Integration and TDD

After four years of “scraping over the line” in “whatever it takes” mode, we now finally are implementing Test Driven Development. See the badges on GitHub and at the top of this documentation for current build status and test coverage.

The ideal development work flow

  • Translate feature requests by stakeholders into functional specs
  • Translate functional specs into tests
  • Write code, add docstrings
  • Document intended usage of new fatures in user docs
  • Add/adjust UI elements, feature tours (joyride.js), tooltips


Objects and database persistence

One intriguing bug we found had us scratching our heads for longer than we liked. Consider a test case involving a Project subclass, e.g. ScienceProject. ScienceProjects have transitions, which spawn subclasses of Documents, which have their own transitions. A Document’s final “approve” transition will trigger the corresponding transition on their Project object.

On one hand, accessing the attributes of the document’s FK to the project (d.project) will fetch the new, changed project from memory.

On the other hand, accessing the project directly will fetch the old, unchanged object fresh from the database. It will appear as the transitions had no effect.

To synchronise db and memory, the reference to the project has to be saved to db.

p = ScienceProjectFactory.create()
d = p.documents.instance_of(ConceptPlan).get()

# p is unchanged
self.assertEqual(p.status, UNCHANGED_STATUS)
# d.project is changed
self.assertEqual(d.project.status, CHANGED_STATUS)
p = d.project

self.assertEqual(p.status, CHANGED_STATUS)

Technical Documentation

This chapter links automatically extracted code documentation with the source code.

NOTE Until SPMS is upgraded to Django 1.8, autodocs will fail to extract docstrings from modules using Django image fields and django-fsm state fields. Refer directly to the docstrings inside code if they don’t show up below.

pythia Package

pythia.widgets Module

class pythia.widgets.AreasWidgetWrapper(widget)[source]

Bases: django.forms.widgets.Widget

build_attrs(extra_attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Helper function for building an attribute dictionary.

render(name, value, *args, **kwargs)[source]
value_from_datadict(data, files, name)[source]
class pythia.widgets.ArrayFieldWidget(attrs=None)[source]

Bases: django.forms.widgets.TextInput

render(name, value, *args, **kwargs)[source]
value_from_datadict(data, files, name)[source]
class pythia.widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple(attrs=None, choices=())[source]

Bases: django.forms.widgets.SelectMultiple

render(name, value, attrs=None, choices=())[source]
class pythia.widgets.InlineEditWidgetWrapper(widget)[source]

Bases: django.forms.widgets.Widget

Custom InlineEditWidgetWrapper.

Adapted from django.contrib.admin.widgets.RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper.

Changes 2014: We reverted to store HTML, not Markdown in pythia.fields.Html2TextField.

Enable lines with “MARKDOWN” comments to convert HTML edited in the widget to Markdown in the db field.

build_attrs(extra_attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Helper function for building an attribute dictionary.

render(name, value, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Custom render method.

If the form has not been injected to the widget, failover to the original widget.

url refers to the POST location used by TinyMCE’s AJAX save function. If we’re on an add page, we don’t want to POST save anything.

value_from_datadict(data, files, name)[source]
widget_overrides = ((<class 'pythia.widgets.ArrayFieldWidget'>, u'pythia.handsontable("%s", "%s");'), (<class 'django.forms.widgets.TextInput'>, u'pythia.inlineEditTextInput("%s", "%s");'), (<class 'django.forms.widgets.Textarea'>, u'pythia.inlineEditTextarea("%s", "%s");'), (<class 'django.forms.widgets.Select'>, u'pythia.inlineEditSelect("%s", "%s");'), (<class 'django.forms.widgets.Widget'>, u'pythia.inlineEditWidget("%s", "%s");'))
class pythia.widgets.LocationWidget(attrs=None)[source]

Bases: django.forms.widgets.MultiWidget

DIRECTION_CHOICES = ((u'', u'---'), (u'N', u'N'), (u'NNE', u'NNE'), (u'NE', u'NE'), (u'ENE', u'ENE'), (u'E', u'E'), (u'ESE', u'ESE'), (u'SE', u'SE'), (u'SSE', u'SSE'), (u'S', u'S'), (u'SSW', u'SSW'), (u'SW', u'SW'), (u'WSW', u'WSW'), (u'W', u'W'), (u'WNW', u'WNW'), (u'NW', u'NW'), (u'NNW', u'NNW'))
class pythia.widgets.NumberInput(attrs=None)[source]

Bases: django.forms.widgets.TextInput

input_type = u'number'

pythia.models Module

Custom User model

A custom User model provides

Custom model mixins and managers

Coming soon.

pythia.documents.models Module

pythia.documents.admin Module

pythia.documents.templatetags.documents Module